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WY Resident Mountain Lion Pursuit Season.

Luke Worthington & Josh Didier attended many regional lion meetings with the Game & Fish for the lion season setting dates. During those sessions, they proposed a resident lion pursuit season that would go into effect once the quota fills. It was during this time that the Wyoming Houndsmen Association was formed and considers the pursuit season its first big win. This took many meetings and time in legislation for the 2022 legislation session. With the help of Wyoming Wildlife, we were able to get the bill through committees, through the House and Senate floors to Governor Gordon's desk, where he happily signed the bill into law. This wouldn't have been possible without the help from Houndsmen throughout the state commenting and speaking their feelings during the public comment period.


Wyoming Mountain Lion pursit season information can be found on the WY Game & Fish website or in the regulation book (chapter 42, section 5). 



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